IT Security Consulting
I advise you and your company.
moreA person I was able to help in a cryptocurrency fraud case once said about me:
Admirable, your knowledge, paired with hunting instinct and endurance!
And yes – what can I say. I love to use these skills for my clients.
In doing so, I always act at eye level. I don't think we can master the challenges of the future in IT security if a technical elite looks down on the rest of the world like some kind of wizard from his ivory tower.
My story led from the "creative" side of IT (Programming) through communication back to the "offensive" side of technology (Hacking).
About Martin HaunschmidI love IT security. And above all, I love acting as a sparring partner for companies. Here is a list of how I can help your company.
To the free initial consultationIT security is not just technology. Quite the contrary. Here we identify organizational risks and solve them through adapted processes or other organizational measures.
I advise you and your company.
I train your dev-team.
I give exciting lectures.
From 0 to "I know what to do".
moreThis is about actual attacking – whether it's phishing, penetration tests, or code reviews.
I hack your company so the bad guys don't.
Who in your team would click on links?
Does your software have security vulnerabilities?
I review your source code.
moreOn my blog, I write about hacking, IT security, and development.
And about the nonsense I do when I'm bored (rarely happens) or when my detective mode is activated (happens quite often).
to the blogIn the initial consultation, you will get to know me and my philosophy, and we will briefly discuss how I can help you. So you and your company: